The Newbury Woman's Club Weblog

Serving Newbury, Vermont

Archive for October, 2012

Fall 2012

I always look at fall as the start of a new year of activities and plans for the club, though that is probably a result of my many years spent working in education!  This past year has been very successful and busy for our organization and the coming year promises to be equally productive.  Re-writing our by-laws last fall gave us the opportunity to think about how the club operates and what is important to us.  In that discussion we discovered some traditions and rules we wanted to change, while at the same time reaffirming many policies and activities we want to preserve.

One key operating philosophy of the club, that I think is in danger of getting lost, is the concept that the club’s mission and work is a community effort that continues independently of any one individual.  For many years the same people have served as officers of the club.  Historically, our officers changed every two years giving everyone the opportunity to participate in a leadership role.  I have been pleased and honored to serve as club president these past many years, but I am terribly worried about the future if we do not have different people involved in an official capacity.  At our annual business meeting in December, let’s talk about this issue and see if we can’t come up with some good ideas for the future.

Meanwhile, check out all the great activities listed on this site (kudos to our program committee!!)  Mark your calendar and plan ahead.  Remember to invite a friend or two to join us, everyone is welcome!   Contact us using the form below  if you ever have any questions or need more information about club issues or upcoming events.